Top 25 Sayings of HVCC Paramedic Class 2002
1. Those were some tender pork chops
2. Is that testable?
3. Ishmia (Ischemia?)
4. Minor happens to someone else
5. Oh my god! Oh my god!
6. Does it carry oxygen?
7. Accytlcholine
8. I'll get the tube!
9. Are you right handed?
10. Are we ALS?
11. It's not going to be lights and sirens, hit a bus load of nuns
12. (Speaking of PVC's) It's a YM-CAC... M-O-U-S-E?
13. No, I'm not sticking my hand in there?!
14. Where in the book are we?
15. Is there a harmonic for that? (AVPU, SAMPLE, OPQRST)
16. NyQuill, the night time stuffy head defibrillation medicine
17. Dude, you got nail polish on?
18. Who Cares?
19. How do you get a twisted ureter?
20. Is it yours? (re our instructors baby)
21. Are you pregnant? is there a chance you might be pregnant? Want to get pregnant?
22. #@$% Failed Medic class!!! (Well... thats completely normal)
23. D&C's? = Divide and Conquer
24. When your up to your ass in alligators...
25. He can put his shoes under my bed any time!
Last update: 05/25/05 13:39
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